Running the first loop of the 10K course was the driest since the ground was still frozen over. I slipped on the ice a few times and had a few close calls but no falls. As the morning progressed and the temperature increased, the ground began to thaw and I ran thought many areas of shoe-sucking mud and cold, deep water. That made for some slower miles but I still managed to maintain a decent pace overall.
I made a detour off course to check out the trails of Moon and Blueberry Hills. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while but never took the time. I was a little disappointed to find nothing but wide carriage road and no single-track. The top of Moon Hill is a very large, open field. I’m not sure why there is such a large clearing here but I suspect it may have been farmed at one time. My reward for circumnavigating the field of clumpy grass was a long, gradual downhill back to the Fat A$$ course and an extra 1.5 miles for the loop.
The weather started to head south but I managed to beat the rain by a few minutes. Overall, I was happy with my run. With the exception of last week’s 30K my longest run since Stone Cat was 9 miles. The fact that I ran a little over 20 miles at a mile pace 50 seconds faster than the 30K means I haven’t lost that much fitness in the past 2 months. I will admit my legs are pretty stiff this evening though.
Keep moving…