I spend the past 4 days vacationing in Hollywood Beach on the warm and sunny coast of southern Florida. The bright sunshine and 80+ degree weather was a pleasant respite from the typical, cold and damp New England spring. Being close to the ocean recharges my spirit and gives me a sense of optimism I often find difficult to maintain in these troubling times. Burying your toes in warm sand and swimming in water that doesn't require a wetsuit has a way of improving ones outlook on life!
After last weekend's 4 hour slog though the cold rain and mud of the Northern Nipmuck Trail Race this was just what the doctor ordered. (Nice NN race reports by Scott Livingston and Laurel Valley) I had planned to just veg on the beach the whole time thinking I needed a break from running. I'm sure that's not true but just how I was feeling because I ran so poorly at Nipmuck. My friend KZ convinced me to pack my running shoes 'just in case' and I'm glad I listened to him. Four days without running would have driven me "batty". I ran early every morning along the 2 mile 'boardwalk' on the beach. This seems to be a very popular routine with vacationers and locals alike as the boardwalk was buzzing with activity; runners,walkers, bikers, and skaters all moving up and down the strip at various speeds. My runs were very, very easy as I plodded along enjoying the sights and sounds of nature and the people.
My route - can't get 'off trail' here.
It's amazing what some sun can do for my attitude. I'm back up here in the cold North but still happy as a clam and looking forward to trading the smell of pizza for the scent of pine! Running in Florida was great but do you know they don't have any hills in Florida? Hey, all of you know how much I love running hills! How can you call yourself a runner if you've never had the opportunity to curse a brutal uphill or tempt injury or death on a steep, rock strewn descent? Oh, the joys of trail running!
Upon my return, I was pleasantly surprised to see a few friends had popped up to say hello and welcome me back home.

Viola odorata - a sure sign of spring.
It's all good....
Welcome back! Glad all is better:) The sun has the same effect on me, too!
ReplyDeleteThanks much for the "good luck" email. I need lots of luck, as I am now getting ready to get out the door, and last I heard will have a strong headwind the last 7 miles of the course. Ana-Maria
Wow....we don't have anything blooming here in Maine yet.. Sounds like the hot sun rejuvinated you a bit. That's good and spring is surely here!
ReplyDeleteDan! so glad to hear our batteries are re-energized! Love the flower power! Can't wait to watch you run up some hills...while I walk 'em. heh heh. See you at the top!
ReplyDeleteNice Dan! Gotta love when the flowers decide to come on through for some face time :-). It won't be long before we are bitching about the humidity. :-)