
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2016 Race Schedule

It feels a little strange to be putting together a race schedule given I haven't run a step in two months. I'm hoping that by making a commitment I will be motivated to start training again, and soon, as spring is right around the corner. I'm not calling this a race plan or a goal, merely a guideline for 2016. Making a solid plan with my back issue doesn't make any sense. One day my back is OK, the next not so much. I prefer to take it one day at a time and race if I'm feeling up to it. Flexibility, and not getting down of myself, is key.

I'm trying to mix things up this year so races I haven't done before were given priority. I also want to improve my map and compass skills so I'll be doing several orienteering meets this year. All of the races listed are new to me unless otherwise noted. You'll notice there aren't any ultras on the list. That doesn't mean I wont run an ultra this year. I just need to decide which one(s) to participate in. I'm partial to timed ultras so that will influence my decision.

Here's what I'm thinking about so far.


2nd Historic Beaver Brook Orienteering Meet 

9th Merrimack River Trail Race  - Grand Tree Series Race #1 I've run this twice before but it's a GT race and I want to earn enough points to get a Stonehead ranking. (Six races needed for scoring) My 2010 race report is here.

24th Needham Town Forest Orienteering Meet I ran this meet last year for the first time but controls are moved every year at orienteering meets so it's never the same race twice.


1st Breakheart Reservation Orienteering Meet

7th Beaver Brook North Orienteering Meet


5th Goodwin Forest 30K - Grand Tree Race #6

Goodwin Forest Elevation Profile. I'm screwed.

19th Graylock Mountain Trail Race - Grand Tree Race #8 This one is a long 3+ hour drive for me but adding a ride on the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail the day before the race will make the trip worthwhile.


10th Blue Hills Skyline Trail Run - Grand Tree Race #9 I ran this once before in 2009. The Skyline Trail is no joke.


3rd Belmont Wanderings Orienteering on a bike! What could possibly go wrong? 


8th Prospect Hill Orienteering Meet 

16th Groton Town Forest Race - Grand Tree Race #16 I ran this race in 2009 and again in 2015 but it's loaded with twisting single-track so it's hard to pass up.

30th Busa Trail Race - Grand Tree Race # 18 I've run this race honoring Richard Busa two times. Once in 2008 as a shake out one week before the Stone Cat Marathon and in  2011 when I was injured and just there for fun.

This list is longer than it probably should be but it gives me plenty of options. 

Keeping my fingers crossed.

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