
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Umstead 100 - Not This Year

Last September I was one of the lucky ones that helped the Umstead 100 reach its entry limit of 300 runners in a mere six minutes! At the time I had no reason to believe I would be ready to run 100 miles in March. I had been bothered by chronic injuries all year and there was no sign of any improvement. I had a better chance of being struck by lighting than getting healthy enough to train seriously for a 100 mile race. But I entered anyway and hoped for the best.

Four months later I’m feeling somewhat better but still not healed. The minimal amount of running I’ve done has helped reduce my knee pain significantly but has not eliminated it. The foot pain (ligament?) I’ve had since November is also better but I still feel a dull ache most of the time, even when not running. And my plantar fasciitis just won’t go away. Yep, I’m a train wreck.

So I did the math and didn’t like the results: Low mileage + no long runs + multiple injures = DNS (do not start) or else become a DNF (did not finish).

I emailed Blake, (the Race Director) and withdrew from the race. The decision was an easy one and it’s nice to know I’ve made someone on the waiting list VERY happy today.


  1. So sorry to hear about this Dan. I know how frustrating the chronic injuries are as I have had them myself. Happy New year

  2. Give you credit for making a unhappy but wise decision. Live to run another day :)
    Happy New Year

  3. Smart decision, Dan. I know it hurts.....

  4. A very selfless choice on your part man. Very Cool. Now you can heal up properly with out that cloud hanging over you. Take care.

  5. I am sorry about the injury still causing you pain.....I could use a pacer for a few miles at McNaughton to get me home...I would be honored if you came Dan and ran some of those gorgeous trails with me : )


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