
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Broken Again

Well, the dull ache I've had in my foot since November turned into a "hot poker" stabbing me in the foot sort of pain two weeks ago.  Since then, I wisely stopped running and made an appointment to see a podiatrist. Some would argue it would have been wiser to stop running BEFORE the "hot poker" incident but there's no sense dwelling on past mistakes (of which I've made many).  Unfortunately, the foot still hurts and my appointment is two weeks away.  That means I'm sitting out the month of January and who knows how much longer after my doctor's visit.  And my SI joint and/or lower back is messed up again.

  Just shoot me.  


  1. Hang in there buddy... it's just an off-season spent healing - and getting enough sleep and calories to offset what the rest of 2012's endeavors will steal away ;)

  2. Yes, spend the winter healing and cross training (boring, I know!). I've run through many pains that eventually went away, and many that turned out to be injuries. Part of our sport...Feel better!

  3. Aw, Dan...try to stay positive...I knwo its hard :( Hopefully this is just a bump in the trai and you will be back at it before you know it. In the mean time, whatever cross training you can do to still feel active...stay with that and hang on...

  4. Use this time you would have spent running to do pull ups instead...get a pull up bar and every day try to add a pullup to your total max....while your foot heals you could beat the pullup world record!!!! : ) sending your tootsie all my good healing thoughts

  5. Dan, sorry to hear. It's this time of year when we're ramping up that injures us the most. Just hike for now and switch shoes a lot, if you can.
    I'm also going through an SI/lower back thing right now but a Chiropractor has me just about fixed. Sux getting old, doesn't it? ;-)
    Happy healing...and best of luck in 2012.

    1. Steve, you're right about that. It does Sux! I've been able to stay away from my Chiro for 3 years but it's time to go back. I know I'm off because both my feet have gone numb. Sort of like my brain!

  6. Dan, I'm afraid I might be joining you in the breakdown lane. Having an MRI on my foot in about an hour. Hoping it's a brief respite---too many races planned! Let's both be well soon.

    1. Bill, that stinks! Keep me update on your status. Yes, I hope it's brief as well. I was planning to run 15-18 Grand Tree races this year. That won't happen if I'M not up and running in the next month. I see the podiatrist tomorrow.

  7. I can commiserate with you, Dan, after spending six months on the sides lines last year with three of those on crutches. Here's hoping you're not down for the count that long.

    Need a good non-weight bearing cardio workout? Pool running. It's about as exciting as watching paint dry, but provides a great workout.

    Hang in there!


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