
Monday, January 21, 2013

100,000 And Counting

Sometime last August, when I wasn't paying attention, Breakheart Trail Running reached 100,000 page views.  It has since surpassed 111,000 views.  That's pretty good considering I haven't had much to write about over the past two years due to injuries, etc. I thought it might be fun to see how BHTR got to 100,000 views by looking back at the 10 most popular posts of all time.  

1. The Boston Marathon - Reflective Perspective April 6, 2010 - 3955 views
I'm not surprised this post is number one.  The Boston Marathon is the oldest and most prestigious marathon in the United States and road runner outnumber trail runners by 100 to 1. (I totally made up that stat). I consider this one of my better written posts.

2. Product Review - Inov8 Roclite 319 November 17, 2011 - 2305 views
Inov8 is very popular among trail runners and their shoe line keeps growing year after year.  This is my favorite Invo8 model for long distance training and racing.

3. Bay Circuit Trail Section 2 - Boardwalks and Water Crossings Galore April 18, 2011 - 1321 views.
My section runs on the Bay Circuit Trail helped increase awareness that this 200 mile gem even existed.  After my series of posts, I received several emails from people looking for more information about the BCT.  I even got one from an AT thru-hiker who was planning a BCT thru-hike. This particular run with friends Em and Rob was a blast and I have fond memories of all my BCT runs.

4. This Weekend on the Trails May 7, 2010 - 1114 views
OK, this one did surprise me but I think I know why it ranks so high. This post happened to include information on a few very popular races that were scheduled for the upcoming weekend. I'm sure people searching for information on these races were directed to my blog.

5. Product Review - Cool Off Bandana August 17, 2009 - 816 views
Heat is my kryptonite and based on the number of hits on this post I'm not the only one.

6. Product Review - Everything You Don't Want To Know About Iliotibial Band Straps May 1, 2011 - 659 views
I developed ITB syndrome in the spring of 2010 and it's plagued me every since. It's a common problem among long-distance runners. I've tested several difference straps and had mixed results. With treatment ITB syndrome usually goes away. Mine never did. Nor has my plantar fasciitis. Just lucky I guess.

7. Product Review Inov8 Roclite 295 June 13, 2011 - 559 views
This is my second favorite Inov8 model. With it's sticky rubber sole it's a great shoe for running in wet conditions.

8. Hamster Run March 7, 2008 - 548 views
This post is from the last time my SI joint was causing a lot of problems for me.  I was avoiding trails and hills so I was running workouts on a quarter mile track.  I ran so many loops I felt like a hamster on an exercise wheel.  I imagine all the folks looking for information about hairy rodents were disappointed when the stumbled across this post.

9. 2010 New England, New York & New Jersey Ultra Marathon Race Schedule and Results January 13, 2010 - 524 views
This is when I must have had way too much free time on my hands!

10. Traprock 50K Race Report April 18, 2010 - 490 views
This is one of my favorite races. A challenging course, great RDs and volunteers.  I wrote an article about my race experience that was published in Ultrarunner Magazine.  I'll probably never have something I write get published again. I should have kept that issue.

There you have it. The top ten posts since I started this blog in 2008. They only amount to 12,000+ page views.  Don't ask me to figure out where the other 99,000 came from!


  1. Hey, do you think you could request a copy of the Ultrarunner Mag, I am sure they have archives.....seems like it would be a great thing to have

  2. Your blog is great,
    Would you like to add my blog: Trail Land in your list?


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