
Monday, July 5, 2010

June In Review

My plan for June was to refrain from running and continue with rehabbing my ITB but I still held on to the hope of running Wakely in July.  The lure of Wakely won out over common sense and I started training two weeks earlier than planned. I felt encouraged that running 3-4 miles every other day on flat surfaces did not cause any knee pain. I added a slightly longer 5 and 7 mile run on the weekend and still no pain.  Things were looking up!

June Re-cap
Total Miles: 37
Longest Run: 7
# of Runs: 8
Avg Run: 4.6

With Wakely only three weeks away I decided to test the ITB on a longer run with more challenging terrain this weekend.  I needed to know if I could handle some distance before driving 5 hours to the Adirondacks for the race. The good news is I covered 10 miles in the blistering heat.  The bad news is my knee was in pain by mile seven. I probably should have walked the last three miles out of the woods, but I didn't.  I can be stubborn at times.

I have to be realistic about my injury.  It's just not going to heal as quickly as I would like. Any thoughts of racing (or training) long distances have to be banished for now.  I'll rest and ice for a few days and go back to my boring 3-4 miles runs.  It's better than no running at all.   I'm sure you're sick of reading about this injury as much as I am of writing about it so I'll be signing off for now.  I won't be back until I have something positive to say. I hope it's not too long.

Have a nice summer....


  1. Hey, your can print anything you like! You have to have somewhere to vent with peeps that understand how frustrated you are! I am sorry your recovery isn't going as quickly as planned :( I can only imagine how dang irritated you are! But, like you said 3-4 miles *IS* better than none at all. Maybe set your sights on SC in the fall...that gives you plenty of time to recover AND train.
    Hang in there, Dan...

  2. Hang in there Dan. We have all been there before with the injury bug, and in some ways I feel like half of my problems right now are due in part to trying to come back from an ITB injury too quickly. Nevertheless you find me a runner that has never had to deal with an injury and we'll kidnap them and make them divulge the secret of their success! You are in good company, and we are sending good vibes your way! You'll eventually be back, and we'll still be running!

  3. Dan, Reading your report just reminds the rest of us that our day is coming soon and when it does, I hope I have half the patience and persistence you are exhibiting. Hang in there, the end is near and this will all be a running log memory in the not-too-distance future.

  4. Hang in there Dan. We need you healthy for Traprock 2011!!! I suffered with the ITB issues for awhile. It WILL get better. Stay off the pavement and where the Asics Gel Kayano is my advice. I swear by them.



  5. Thanks everyone for your support. It means a lot to me. Looking forward to the day when I get to share some time on the trail with all of you.

  6. Dan, I think of this as a positive thing. Better to know now after 3 painful miles than to learn at Wakely for 23 painful miles. That would have messed you up for a year! This way, knowing your limitations you can recover more swiftly by running conservatively.

  7. I agree with Diesel. Our time will come. Runners get injured. Every marathon training cycle I get so close to the limit, and I know that eventually I'll get sidelined. I say some running is way better than no running! And the long running will come soon!

  8. Dan, boohisss, I will miss your posts but understand. Want to cycle? Now might be the time to add something new to your workout...of 4 miles...say juggling (just kidding)...seriously. What about some short course orienteering for the fall? or some bike rides? swims?
    One of your fans. Come to VT 100...

  9. Orienteering for the fall sounds like fun.

  10. Hi Dan,

    Just saw the news about the ITB issues. Both my wife and I have been able to recover from ITB tendonitis, and stretching seemed to be the key. Not a few minutes, but hours of stretching over the course of a week. If I neglect to stretch for a while, I'll start to feel tightness in that area. There are lots of stretches, and many really don't do much. The one that really worked for me is hard to describe, and I don't think it is recommended by many, but it is really effective at lengthening the tendon. It's a big tendon, and you need to really put some force on it to get it stretch. Feel free to send me an email (on the WMAC site) if you have any questions.

    Good Luck,


  11. Trying to "take it easy" in a race is probably the hardest thing to do in running. I have never been able to do it so don't feel too bad for your pushing yourself.

    Good luck with the injury and I hope your back soon!


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