
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breakheart Hike

I was at Breakheart Reservation to meet with the park ranger about having a trail race there in the fall.  He was willing to allow a race even though it's a very busy time of year in the park.  He gave me two dates to work with, both which conflict with other North Shore trail races.  I really don't want to compete with other RDs in the area but I have to work with what I was given.  I'm filling out the permits and will see where it goes from there.  More to follow as this progresses.

Since I was already at the park I decided to take a short hike.  Once I entered the woods it occurred to me it was the first time I've been to Breakheart since I stopped running six weeks ago.  And how I've missed this place.  I walked for a little over two hours and covered about six miles.  I was a little worried about all the steep climbs and descents I was doing but my knee felt fine the whole time.   It's not running, but I'll take what I can get at this point.  Here are a few photos I took along the way.

View of Boston Skyline

Castle Rock in the distance. Highest point in the reservation.

Another view from the ridge.

Traveling along the Ridge trail.

This is what I've missed. The pine needle covered highway.

More cushioned trail.

Small brook crossing.

Gimp boy out..


  1. Yay, glad you went for a hike and the knee behaved! And awesome about the race!

  2. Nice pix. I love running on pine needles!

  3. If you avoid all rocks and roots, I will totally run your race :)

    Glad you got out in *your* woods...

  4. Julie, after you run on rocks and roots you will appreciate the pine needle trails even more.

  5. Dan, the pine needle picture is like a dream - would you be willing to share that one? It's such a perfect capturing of New England trail running. I'm glad you're getting in the walking and hiking on your favorite trails - good for the mind and soul. Soon enough you'll be moving on them in full stride. How's the recovery coming?

  6. Bob, any photos I post here are fair game. Feel free to copy whenever you want. As far as my's going very slow. I was feeling good for the past week but tried a different quad stretch last night that must have screwed up my ITB. Feeling pain and tightness today. I'm ready to go behind the barn and accept my fate!


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