
Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Dreams Yet Fulfilled

I sit here on this dreary day, icing a sore knee and feeling the pain and numbness from the return of symptoms of my cervical stenosis, thinking of the only 100 mile race I would truly like to run some day, while knowing full well I have about a 0% chance of ever being accepted. Yet, I still dream.


  1. Oh, never say never! I didn't know you were injured.

  2. Oh, the pain will pass, stenosis will calm down, and you'll get into your 100miler eventually! Hang in there!

  3. Keep the faith Dan, I know it's hard when you are nursing and injury but anythings possible!

  4. Come out there in July and complete a trail work day with Garry and I and then watch Steve and hopefully Deb run...the trail day I believe gives you additional mojo for getting in : ) Then sign up for the Burning River 100 and drive out to Ohio with me for the end of July...then you have your hundred and a trail work day and by next year the running gods will be looking out for you and your dream will come true!

  5. Michelle, you've certainly given me something to think about.

  6. Dan, I am becoming evermore wise about injuries and running endurance events. I have learned that the most important thing is never letting go of the dream even when you are sitting there icing, heating and/or stretching. These things would be easier if there were no obstacles, but, man, let me tell you, when I finished the marathon a couple weeks ago, a goal that took 15 additional months to realize, the juice was SO much sweeter!

  7. Dan, more gadgets to don? I hope this rain lets up so your pain lets up.


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