
Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 In Review

Well, it seems like everyone is doing this so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon. 2009 was a pretty good year for me. I accomplished my main goal of running an ultra. In fact, I ran two, a 50K at the Green Lakes Endurance Runs and a 50 mile at Stone Cat. I finished under my time goal in both races and felt relatively well after running 50 miles. Maybe I didn’t run hard enough? I also finsihed first in the Eastern New England Trail Race Series for the 50-59 age group.  It's not as impressive as it sounds.  I just showed up at more races than the other old bastards!

Ok, now for some numbers.

Overall 2009
Total miles: 1740
# of runs: 233
Avg. run: 7.5

Total miles: 274
# of races: 23
Longest: 50 miles
Avg. race distance: 11.9

Races by type
Trail: 16
Snowshoe: 4
Ultra: 2
Mountain: 1

Races by State
MA: 13
NH: 6
CT: 2
VT: 1
NY: 1

Misc Race Stuff (estimated)
Miles driven: 2,896
Gas/Tolls/Lodging: $575
Registration Fees: $450



  1. Don't forget:
    Miles run with The Gang: 104 (ish)
    I thought the registration fees would have been a lot more. You only paid about 60 cents per mile. A bargain.

  2. An awesome 2009 Dan....seriously..I would also add "being a wonderful friend" to your 2009 accomplishments.

  3. Steve, They could have been $500. I didn't keep any records. I will for next year. 104 (ish) that all we ran?

    Michelle, the friendships I've made are indeed a blessing.

  4. Way to go! I think that's a very impressive list. I'm just starting into my second year of running and looking at goals for this year but 50 miles?? I'm reading the book "Born to Run" and it is a great read if you're into ultras. Best of luck this new year on all your endeavors.

  5. Dan,

    What an awesome season for you! In all sincerity, you have been an inspiration to a young fat guy like me to keep at it and never give up. I am thankful for all of the conversation and miles we have enjoyed together, through the heat and humidity where we had to get a ride home from the wife, to the bitter cold where the injured/slow guy somehow lobbied for another 10k :-).

    Here's to more miles and laughs in 2010!



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