
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Track Workout

Today I ran my first track workout in about a year. I wasn’t expecting much after months of long, slow running on technical trails. I set the bar pretty low with a workout plan of 3 x 1 mile at 8:00 pace. I just wanted to take it slow to see how my ITB, knee and PF pain would respond to track work. Hmm, I think that’s a complete list of my current nagging injuries.

I set off on my first repeat at what I thought was an 8 minute pace. The effort felt really easy but when I checked my quarter split I was way under my goal pace. I tried to slow it down on the second quarter but wasn’t very successful. I just couldn’t run any slower. I finished the first mile in 7:37 with little effort. So much for my 8:00 mile workout!

I have an unwritten rule that I can never run any of my repeats slower than the first one. The new goal became 7:37. My second repeat was closer to goal pace but still faster at 7:29. I was feeling strong and still had no ITB/knee or PF pain. My last repeat felt as easy as the first two but it was also the fastest at 7:15. During the cooldown I started to get some knee pain so it was good that I only did 3 repeats.

I’m happy with this first track workout. I’ll just have to see how I feel later today and tomorrow. I hope the knee pain is temporary and I can do this again next week.


  1. Awesome, I like that rule. I need to implement it myself. I get all giddy when I hear someone talk or write about a track workout. I just love the track. Hope the knee is OK.


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