
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Karl Meltzer Wins 2009 Hardrock 100

Karl Meltzer won the Hardrock 100 for the fifth time finishing the race at in 24:38, 2 hours faster than his previous best time. Diana Finkel is currently the first female and is third overall. Jim Campiformio, Race Director for the Grand Tree's Northern Nipmuck Trail Race left the Ouray aid station (mile 56.6) at 3:14 this morning per the last update.

You can get the latest live updates as the race progresses and some video of the race :

Live Twitter Feed:

Jaime and Meltzer arrive at Cunningham Gulch aid station:

Approach to Virginius Pass:


  1. Everyone seems to be into hardrock! Wow. Impressive. The videos are really cool! Nice blog!

  2. I think it's because we all wish we were capable of taking on such an adventure!


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