
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Double The Fun

I didn’t plan on doing a double today it just worked out that way. I planned to run in the evening at the kickoff to the 2009 Lynn Woods race series. I wasn’t going to race but instead use it to get in a good tempo run on the trails. Well, it was raining off and on all day and I didn’t think I was going to make it to the woods after work so I went out for a lunch time run instead. I did an easy four miles around the park where I work. Nothing exciting, just two loops and then back to work.

As the afternoon progressed I noticed it wasn’t raining in the city and thought maybe it would be a go for Lynn Woods. I didn’t want to double but I also didn’t want to miss the first race because it was going to be a “Tour” meaning the course would not just be on the fire roads but trails as well. The tours are the best races in my opinion.

Fighting my way through rush hour traffic is never fun but it seems so much worse when I have to be somewhere at a certain time. I made it to Lynn Woods with a few minutes to spare, registered for the race and said a few quick hellos to a few folks I haven’t seen in a while. Then we were off running. I went out slow and settled into a comfortable pace but harder than my usual training runs. I passed a number on runners in the first 1.5 miles and then ran most of the race alone until I passed two more runners one mile from the finish.

The course was a mix of dirt road and trails with just enough climbs to make it interesting. I averaged 8:30 per mile and felt fine doing it. I did have some leg fatigue most likely carried over from my race on Sunday and the fact that I’ve run three day in a row. This is unusual for me since I only train 4 days per week. I didn’t hang around after the race to socialize because I had a bad back spasm and wanted to get out of the cold.

I’ve had this nagging back pain and tightness for weeks now but I think it’s at the point were I can no longer ignore it. I know the cause and the cure but I just don’t want to make the one hour drive to Hingham to see my Chiropractor. I think I’ll have to make an appointment to see him next week. What we’ll do to run!

A good turnout on a cold, wet evening. 57 runners went long and 35 went short. Complete race results HERE



  1. Sounds like a great run Dan, Now that Pineland is over I am looking forward to some shorter/faster races too.

  2. Dan I will be joining you for some of these runs!!!They sound like a great way to get in a summer night run : ) Wish u were doing pack...I decided to run pack with KZ and I believe Emily will be there....come join us!!!!


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