
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monthly Training Update - March

My last run of the month was and easy (8:57 pace) 4 mile run around the park between the Museum of Science and Fenway Park. There were signs of spring all around me, guys tossing around a baseball, teens playing hoop and college girls sporting their spring break tans. It didn’t feel like spring though. The temperature was in the mid-forties but the raw wind from the east made it feel 10 degrees colder.

I’ve recovered just fine from my 5+ hour flogging at the Fells on Saturday. The only fallout from the Fells Trail Race was tweaking my bad ankle again. I blame it more on my bad tape job than on the minefield of rocks and roots that occupy much of the Skyline trail. I ran with my Aircast ankle brace today and didn’t feel too bad.

March ReCap:

Total Miles: 133
Race Miles: 24
Longest Run: 24
# of Runs: 16
Avg. Miles: 8.3
Trail Miles: 68%

I plan on cutting back on the miles this week to give the ankle a chance to rest and heal.



  1. I was in close proximity running Beacon Hill repeats today but most of the time I'm running that same loop, what time do you go out?

  2. Ryan, Depending on my work day I leave anywhere from noon to 1:30. I use to run a loop that took my up Beacon, past the Commons. That was before this nagging PF knocked me off the roads.

  3. Sounds like you had a great month Dan. I actually had my longest month (mile wise) at 125 miles...none of them race miles.....and (knock on wood) no injuries at this time.

    I feel my training is going well though I will be set back a bit with some scheduled surgery next week. I will use it as a step back week in my training.

  4. Hi Dan,

    when I saw those daffodils I really couldn't believe it and had to take a picture! I am also very impatient about spring to come.

    Just saw you are running Soapstone Mtn.Did you run it last year? I did and loved it. I might do it again this year.

    Hopefully your ankle gets well soon.

  5. Stephanie

    I'm so ready for spring although snowshoe racing this year make it easier to handle the winter months.

    This will be my first year at Soapstone. I've heard alot of good things about it. I hope to see you there, if I can recognize you!

    Thanks, the ankle is improving. Good luck with the all the 'stuff' you have going on right now.


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