
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pleasantly Surprised

I went for my routine lunch time run around the park today. I was surprised to see that nearly all the snow from last week had disappeared. Only a few small patches remained in the shady areas. Plenty of soft, squishy soil though. It felt good to finally have some fairly solid footing to run on. The snow and ice had covered the park for weeks making running slow and treacherous. I pushed the pace a bit and ran sub 9 minute miles. Can’t remember the last time I did that!


  1. Very nice. Congrats. Lets hope for no more snow this year! Ana

  2. I'm conflicted. No more snow? or More snow? I'll welcome either at this point (it being still February and not April). Hmmm all it will come down to is what the heck I strap on to my feet as I head out? Road or Tail shoes, Snow shoes, XC Skis? HOORAY FOR NEW ENGLAND.


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