
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Eastern New England 2008 Trail Race Series - Final Standings

The first season of the Eastern New England Trail Race Series has concluded with the running of the Middlesex Fells 8 mile race on November 29th. The series was a complete success as trail racing’s popularity seems to increase exponentially every year. Over 2,200 dirt dancers entered at least one of the 23 races in the series.

I’d like to send out personal congratulations to some of my trail running friends on their successful 2008 seasons.

To Paul and Emily, male and female ENE Trail Race Champions! I’ve enjoyed running with and chasing after both you in many races this year. I hope we get to do some (easy) training runs together over the winter.

To Kevin, 7th place male. Great effort in only your first year of trail running. We suffered thought Wapack and the Fells but still kept moving. I know we’ll complete our first ultra together in 2009. Have fun on the slopes!

To Ana, 7th place female. Another Wapack warrior that challenged me to stay strong. We seemed to just keep missing one another most of the year. I hope our paths cross again in the near future.

To Carlene, 17th place female. Why do we only meet on the toughest courses? I still think Wapack is the most difficult race I’ve run. What about you?

I am happy with my 11th place finish and already looking forward to the 2009 season.

Complete rankings: Here

Let it snow…NOT!


  1. Great job Dan! I can't wait to also be active on the trail scene next year, as you know, and I look forward to inevitably training and taking on the adventures of 2009! I also look forward to maybe getting some miles Christmas weekend as long as the snow stays away! -Rob

  2. Dan, Thanks for posting these. I had no idea that they kept track of our races! I'll forward the link to Carlene, if that's OK with you.

  3. Hey Dan. I see you are doing the GAC 50k. I've become fairly good friends with some GAC folks since I met them at Bear Mountain. Would love to go, but it messes with my yearly trip to Disney.

  4. Hey Anthony, Hmm, let's see. Florida or Massachusetts in January? I think you made the correct decision. Have a fun time!


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