
Saturday, November 1, 2008

October Training Re-Cap

I just finished my second week of tapering for the Stone Cat marathon. I wish I could say I have been enjoying these past two weeks, but I haven't. I've been training regularly for months now and I am enjoying running very much. I have had a difficult time trying to hold back these past two weeks. I think a three week taper may be a bit too long for me, but this has been a learning experience. Looking ahead to my next marathon or ultra, I may consider a two week taper.

October was a very productive month. I ran over 160 miles for only the second time this year. I did four track workouts, ran two races and completed two long runs over 20 miles each.

Monthly recap:

Total miles: 161
Long run: 21
# of days: 23
Avg miles: 7.0
Trail miles: 56%

1 comment:

  1. Dan, Thanks for posting a personal weather report for me (and others, too). With temps predicted for a possible high of 58, we might need the rain to cool us off!
    I remain (rhymes with "rain") hopeful that the weather will be just what we need on that day— sun, snow, sleet to full shine-on. Hopefully the water-clogged trail/path (thank you Mr. B. Beaver) will be our only wrangle with water. Looking forward to petting the cat no matter what.
    Personally I think with the miles you've logged the three week taper will power you through...I don't know if I'll be able to keep up!
    Cheers and rest well,
    Emily Trespas


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