
Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm Alive

Today I felt more alive than I have in months.  Running trails with a group of friends will do that to you. At least it does for me.  The struggles I've faced in the past five months with rehabbing my IT band and the boredom I've felt on far to many solo runs was all forgotten in the span of running 6.2 miles of rocks, roots and hills.  Ah, the hills.   I got so caught up in the excitement of it all that I actually allowed myself to run up and down most of them today.  Damn you IT band! I'm not babying you today!  Thanks Team T, Dan, Roz, Bill M., Bill H. and KZ for making this possible. 

A few interesting comments were heard as we previewed the Tuff 10K Trail Race course in Breakheart Reservation.

"Runners will be calling this hill, Dan's Death March."
"It's a little Seven Sisters like."
"Thanks for taking us on a 12 mile run, Dan"

and my favorite of the day,

"This is F&%*ing insane!"  I was told that meant the Sarge approved of the course which means it must have lived up to it's name. 

It was a good day indeed.